Statutes of the Asian-Pacific Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis
Name and Status
The Asia-Pacific Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, hereafter referred to as “APSTH”, is a non-profit-making organization, which shall be open to any interested workers related to thrombosis and hemostasis in Asian and Pacific regions.
Objectives and Mission Statements
(1) To foster and advance science and clinical practice in areas of thrombosis, hemostasis and vascular biology in the Asia-Pacific region. (2) To promote scientific research and exchange and collaborations through scientific meetings, education forums and publications. (3) To promote international harmonization in clinical studies, standardization of nomenclature and methods in Asian and Pacific regions.
The activities of APSTH includes but not restricted to: (1) To sponsor international scientific conferences and educational symposiums for diffusion and exchange of ideas and information among APSTH members. (2) To establish funds and platforms for assisting young and emerging clinicians and scientists in the Asian and Pacific regions in advancing the objectives of the society. (3) To support proper conduct of investigator initiated and corporate sponsored collaborative international clinical trials and scientific research in the Asia-Pacific region. (4) To convene at least 2 Executive Council (EXCO) meetings and Annual Council meetings to identify and examine the issues of mutual interests in Asian and Pacific regions and to propose appropriate actions.
All activities and proposals for activities of APSTH shall be managed by its EXCO and approved or endorsed by the Council which consists of the representatives of member-countries of APSTH
Full Membership - Defined as those with scientific interests in thrombosis, haemostasis, and vascular biology. They may have to pay membership fees. Associate Membership - Defined as personnel in nursing, allied health and those in training positions who are interested in thrombosis and vascular biology. They may have to pay membership fees that are lower than the active members. Emeritus Membership - Retired members who had contributed significantly to the society. They will not have to pay membership fees. Membership Benefits Semi-annual newsletter which is posted online. Discounted-rates at any of APSTH congresses and symposiums.
Membership dues
Currently, no membership due is required.
The principal office of APSTH will be located at the Department of Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Yamanashi, Shimokao 1110, Chou, Yamanashi 409-3898, Japan. (e-mail address:
The Council
Members of The Council will be active members of APSTH. Up to FOUR representatives from each country/region in the Asia and Pacific area can be appointed to The Council. In countries where a local society of hemostasis and thrombosis exists, or local societies with significant representations on hemostasis and thrombosis, such local professional bodies may nominate their representative to the APSTH Council. Countries where such bodies do not exist as yet, will be represented by the country's eminent experts in the field.
Terms of council members The term of a council member is 3 years, and renewable for 3 years. A council member should serve no more than 6 years. If unforeseen circumstances call for an extension beyond 6 years, the council member may apply to the Council for extension of service of no more than 3 years.
Responsibilities and Functions of the Council (1) At least 2 meetings per year. Each council meeting could be held after the EXCO meeting, so issues could be discussed or endorsed. These meetings can be meeting in person during APSTH or ISTH congresses or web-based teleconferences such as zoom meeting. (2) Each council member should attend at least 1 meeting per year (or 50% of council meetings during the term of service) - either in person or virtual. (3) Approve the amendments of the Bylaws. (4) Elect members of the EXCO. All council members should be eligible to vote and elect members to serve on the EXCO. (5) Approve planned and unplanned expenditure of the society. (6) Receive the reports and statements of accounts from the EXCO. (7) Plan and chart the direction of the society (8) A quorum for the meetings is required and this is defined as a minimum of 50% of the Council membership as major decisions and endorsements are made at these meetings.
Officers of the Society
Executive Council (EXCO) The members of the EXCO should be council members and its composition consist of
1) Chairman 2) Chairman-Elect 3) Immediate past chairman 4) Secretary General 5) Treasurer 6) Editor of newsletter 7) 3 Council Members
This EXCO should meet at least twice a year (excluding council meetings) - either in person or web-based telecommunications.
EXCO may decide to establish working groups or subcommittees to facilitate the work and activities of the society.
Minutes of meetings be recorded and made available to the Council. Major decisions and motions should only be passed after endorsement by council.
Terms of Office for EXCO For all positions of the EXCO - serve a term of 3 years and no officer should serve more than one term in any office. Term of each member should not exceed more than 12 continuous years The secretary general and treasurer may write to the council for approval to serve an additional term if prevailing circumstances require the extension of their terms.
Nominations and Election of Officers The Council shall elect from among its then serving elected members the Chairman, Chairman-Elect, Secretary General, Treasurer and 3 council members. The Chairman and Chairman-Elect should not come from the same country. The secretary general should call and collate nomination papers for election.
Elections for vacant positions should be held every year at the annual council meeting. A majority of the votes cast shall determine the outcome.
Authority and Responsibility of the EXCO Officers The Officers shall have such authority as the Council might grant them in addition to the authority and responsibility set out below. Chairman of the Society 1. Principal executive officer of the Society and shall preside at all meetings of the Society and shall chair the Council and the EXCO, 2. Perform all other duties required by custom and parliamentary usage. 3. Unless otherwise provided in the Bylaws, the Chairman of the Society, with the approval of the Council, shall appoint members of the Society to fill interim vacancies on the Council and any standing committee and special committee, interim Congress chairs and newsletter editor.
Chairman-Elect of the Society 1. Assist the Chairman in the duties as stated. 2. Stand in for the chairman if chairman is unable to attend or preside meetings 3. The elected chairman-elect is the successor to the elected chairman. ie. The chairman-elect will assume the role of elected chairman when the incumbent chairman completed his term of office.
Immediate Past Chairman of the society 1. Assist the Chairman and the EXCO by providing information, advice and links for continuity of the functions of the society
Secretary General 1. Oversee the maintenance of a permanent record of the membership status, meetings and the transactions of the Council and the Society including any notices and reports that may be required under applicable federal, state, or local laws. 2. Oversee the proper handling and maintenance of the corporate records of the Society 3. Shall in general perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Council. 4. Provide the President of the Society and the Council with support and advice as needed and requested.
Treasurer 1. Oversight of all funds and securities as well as of the budget of the Society 2. Oversee the expenditures of the Society under the direction of the council. 3. Present an annual report of the monies received and expended and a detailed statement of the financial condition of the Society, including its assets and liabilities and shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, the necessary, timely and orderly legal and tax filings of the Society. 4. Oversee the development and presentation of the budgets of the Society, including recommendations as to the dues to be levied on individual membership categories. 5. Perform all other duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Council.
Newsletter Editor - This position is volunteered and not elected 1. Responsible for the production and publication of the APSTH newsletter at 6 monthly interval. 2. The APSTH newsletter shall feature activities on the APSTH and news from the Asia Pacific region relevant to the field of hemostasis and thrombosis. 3. Newsletter Editor can form an editorial committee to assist in the production of the newsletter.
EXCO members Assist and contribute towards discussions and decisions on issues raised. 1. Perform duties as appointed by the Chairman 2. EXCO members may also lead various subcommittees of the society.
Scientific conferences for the entire membership of APSTH will be held every second year. Nominations for President and Conference sites may be made by any APSTH member. A formal presentation to The Council at the yearly meeting will be followed by the final decision made by The Council. In the event that two or more sites express an interest in organizing the conference, the Council will vote for the preferred site. APSTH assumes full responsibility for its Conference. The President of the Conference acts as representative of APSTH in arranging and paying for all functions of the meeting. He/she will also be a member of the Executive Office.