APSTH-ISTH joint symposium (July 11th, 2009, Boston) |
09/25,2008 |
The APSTH-ISTH joint symposium (12:15 - 13:45 on July 11th, 2009)
President of the Boston ISTH Conference, Dr. Bruce Furie and the Scientific Program Committee Chair, Dr. Ken Bauer were kind enough to agree to have the APSTH-JSTH joint symposium (12:15 - 13:45 on July 11th, 2009) during the educational program of the Boston ISTH Conference.
The speakers and titles of their presentations are as follows:
1) Coagulopathy in Malaria
Speaker - Pantep Angchaisuksiri, M.D. Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University Bangkok, Thailand
2) Use of Asian snake venom inhibitors in studies of blood coagulation mechanism
Speaker - Takashi Morita, Ph.D. Department of Molecular Biology Meiji Pharmaceutical College Tokyo, Japan
3) Coagulopathy induced by snake bites and its management
Speaker - Geoff Isbister, M.D. Menzies School of Health Research Clinical Toxicologist and Emergency Physician Calvary Mater Newcastle, Australia
4) Genetic disorders related to coagulopathy prevalent in the far east
Speaker - Toshiyuki Miyata, Ph.D. Director of Department of Etiology and Pathogenesis Research Institute, National Cardiovascular Center National Institute of Circulation Research Osaka, Japan
