APSTH-JSTH joint symposium (Nov.16, 17, 2007, Mie, Japan)
Last year, the annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis (JSTH) in Utsunomiya, Japan, had the APSTH/JSTH joint symposium, to which 5 outstanding young scientists from Asian-Pacific countries were invited to give their presentations.

President of the JSTH annual meeting this year (November 15th - 17th, 2007, Tsu City, Mie Pref.), Prof. Koji Suzuki has also agreed to have the APSTH/JSTH joint symposium. We would very much like to invite investigators, especially young ones, from Asian countries to present their papers in Japan. Any paper is welcome, but those related to regional characteristics of particular diseases will be highly valued. The travelling expense and hotel accommodations are covered by us, and the registration fee is waivered. The official language in this session is English.

Please send an abstract of less than 500 words as an attached file (Word format), to


stating that you are applying for the APSTH/JSTH joint symposium. The deadline for the abstracts is July 15, 2007.
